A blog for my enjoyment and your benefit. Hopefully.
Published on November 27, 2010 By Khardis In War of Magic

Ok, so I make a Yithril sovereign with a longbow, and quickly gets 31 attack. I kill most enemies in one or two hits, some three. (Still at level 2 mobs, so nothing you can't do with a decent setup otherwise either. 

I get into a war with Umbar. Peasant hordes. Lots of easy kills, I think. After all, they have just 2 defence and low dodge (<10 dodge, I have 31 accuracy).  Yet they resist every shot without fail?

Not saying 'bug!', there may be some spell or such that gives immunity to arrows or something, but there was no enemy sovereign in that battle. (I had been hit by 2x blindness in the previous battle though, but that should not carry over.. come to think of it, I still hit the enemy sovereign without fail, so the blindness may have taken effect only on the next battle, or something like that?).

Anyway, just checking if anyone else has run into something like this.

Also, still can't update elemental to the newest version.

on Nov 27, 2010

There is a bug, if I recall correctly. Resists are not exactly working well.

(And dodge doesn't work, so you can ignore the accuracy/dodge thing 'til 1.09o)

on Nov 27, 2010

Same thing, with a Bandit archer I got as a guardian... City guards resist bow attacks 100% of the time.

on Nov 30, 2010

I've encountered the same problem, except with melee attacks. Altar attacked me and I was able to kill all but two guys with no problem. These two resist all attacks thrown at them. To all appearances they're normal soldiers with an attack of like 9 and a defense of 4 or something. Nothing extraordinary except for the fact that they can't be hit, even by my rock guy with his attack of 26. I had to autoresolve and they killed all of my axemen (who blocked their attacks most of the time but couldn't hit back). Then they beat on Rockman until the turn limit was reached.

Here's the save in case it would help (1.09n):


The wondertroops are next to my sovereign, though there's actually only one now. Dunno where the other went.


on Nov 30, 2010

You all have to remember something very key to this whole discussion, in Elememental, a ranged attack is a spell. Every ranged weapon - Bow, Catapult, etc - uses a ranged spell as the base for their attack. This spell is introduced to a weapon using a special game modifier with the command "UnlockedRangedAction". That said, there are two possibilities that arise with respect to this issue. The first is that there was simply an oversight when they added spell resistance and these ranged attacks are simply being resisted like any spell. This is fairly easy to correct by simply add some flag which dictates whether a particular spell can be resisted at all. In my opinion, this type of flag is probably a good idea either way as it gives spell mods the ability to create spells which can not be resisted. The second possibility has to do with accuracy. All bows have a penalty to accuracy at -2. It is possible that the bows are not being resisted, but are either missing, being dodged, bouncing off armor, or simply doing no damage. The fix here would be far harder to deal with as it would require a lot of work to balance to the point at which most players are satisfied with the feel of bows in combat.

on Nov 30, 2010

 Every ranged weapon - Bow, Catapult, etc - uses a ranged spell as the base for their attack.

That means bows ignore armor. Armor should work against bows Oo. I seriously can't understand how it could be justified that it *doesn't* work. It's unrealistic and completely unbalanced in any fashion.

on Nov 30, 2010

That means bows ignore armor. Armor should work against bows Oo. I seriously can't understand how it could be justified that it *doesn't* work. It's unrealistic and completely unbalanced in any fashion.

That is not true. It deals damage with a game modifier called "DefendableDamage". The only Damage that does not check defense is done through"AdjustUnitStat" on "CurHealth" which stands for current health.

on Nov 30, 2010

There were a couple of bugs in my damage code regarding resists and damage values that would certainly cause this sort of wonkiness, I'll have it fixed up soon.

on Nov 30, 2010

There were a couple of bugs in my damage code regarding resists and damage values that would certainly cause this sort of wonkiness, I'll have it fixed up soon.
Okay, thanks .

Is the dodge bug being corrected too? (Yes, I'm obsessed with that one).

on Nov 30, 2010

This raises a question that I've been wondering about and thus far have not found an answer in any of the forum posts I've read through... 

Will there be interim patches/fixes to the current beta before it 'goes gold'? 

on Nov 30, 2010

that'd be nice, though dealing with invulnerable troops is proving to be an interesting problem. I actually lost a city!

on Nov 30, 2010

They are not merely peasants.

They are commandos disguised as peasants that came from a future timeline and wear invisible suits lol.

Thats a new game content ^^

on Nov 30, 2010

Anyway, just checking if anyone else has run into something like this.

Yup. I feel your pain. Same thing for me. I kept checking the stats b/c I thought I was nuts. Achilles might have a point

I've been using melee weapons/units to get around it. It isn't that bad if you're prepared for it--not so much with a bunch of archers & a channeler...