A blog for my enjoyment and your benefit. Hopefully.
Published on September 5, 2010 By Khardis In War of Magic


I've mostly played Empire. I tend to like the bad guys... but anyway! I have seen two buildings and no resources that grant prestige. The buildings were monument (+1) and Temple of Someone (+50%).

This seemed fairly okay, even though that is rather few ways to increase prestige.

For kingdom cities I've seen inn (+1), tavern (+2), Town hall (+2? Or 4?) Palace (+7), Great Bazaar (+100%). This seems extremely one-sided, and prestige is a rather important value. Not as important as some (Guildar is pretty important as well, the palace gives +7 of those too..).

 ... and I'm wondering, am I missing something here? My first thought is, it seems imbalanced, but I do know Empires appear to get VERY strong monster allies, so I'm not discounting that it's a balancing act, but I'd like some thoughts on it.


on Sep 05, 2010

It would be great if Kingdom and Empire had separate prestige systems. Kingdom (loved) and Empire (feared). Kingdom would gain prestige like it does currently, while Empire would value razing of cities, murder, winning battles and so on. A rough draft is here:
