A blog for my enjoyment and your benefit. Hopefully.
Published on April 13, 2009 By Khardis In Stardock Games

First the good news: It was downloadable a bit early, it's working fairly well (1 temporary freeze is all), and it's quite fun - the demigods are quite impressive, especially the Rook.

The bad news: The digital download does not seem to contain a PDF manual, nor a tutorial. It's not the hardest game to get to grips with, but still, something like that would be nice, just in case I miss something.



on Apr 13, 2009

The bad news: The digital download does not seem to contain a PDF manual, nor a tutorial. It's not the hardest game to get to grips with, but still, something like that would be nice, just in case I miss something.
It will be available tomorrow (on the official release day).

on Apr 13, 2009

Yes please (on the manual thing). Need.

on Apr 14, 2009

Thanks for the response, Zubaz.

I've been playing the darn game for 8 hours straight now. Quite cool.

(Gaah I should be getting to work soon...)


on Apr 17, 2009

Now i'm waiting just the box